My facebook photos and comments during four years

 During four years many photos are upload in the   my Facebook pages and accounts, these photos are related to the structure of Kurdistan, sedimentary structures of Kurdistan and  nature of Kurdistan  terrains and lands in addition to some other issues. These photos and associated comments are very important for understanding  a Kurdish academicians  or […]

Geology of Iraq

Geology of Iraq and Kurdistan regionb By: Kamal Haji Karim, 1Department of Geology, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani City Geology of Iraq and Kurdistan region is consist pat of lectures given to students of the forth years before several years which mainly depends on field work with the aids of the books of other geologists that […]

Valleys asymmerty of Zagros Mountain Ranges, Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq

    Effect of the Sun Radiation on the Asymmetry of Valleys in Iraqi Zagros Mountain Belt (Kurdistan Region)                                                                                         Kamal Haji  Karim*1  , Varoujan K. Sissakian, Nadhir Al-Ansari ; Sven Knutsson   1Department of Geology, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani City  Published  in:   Publication in:  Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 4, […]


  FIRST DETERMINATION OF RUDISTS (BIVALVIA) FROM NE IRAQ:SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY AND PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHY    BY: Sacit ÖZER , Kamal Haji KARIM*1  and Dereen Mohamad SADIQ  1Department of Geology, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani City Published in : Bulletin of MTA (2013) 147: 31-55 (Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey) Received: 01.03.2013Accepted: 23.07.2013,Published: December 2013 […]

The significance diachronous age as an indicator of the southeast advance of the Zagros orogenic belt during Campanian

The significance   diachronous age as an indicator of the southeast advance of the Zagros orogenic belt during Campanian, NE Iraq Kamal H. Karim Dept. of Geology, Science College, Sulemani University, Sulemanyia, Iraq. Rabeea K. Znad and  Omar A. Al-Badrani Dept. of Geology, Science College, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq. Published in: Iraqi  Journal of Earth Science, […]