Critical review of the formations of the Kurdistan Region, northwestern Iraq
by : Kamal Haji Karim,1Department of Geology, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani City
During the last half century, the enormous information are published about the formations of the Kurdistan Region.
During the coming two years, professor Kamal Haji Karim will try to review critically information about the formations of the Kurdistan Region. The review will be in the form of the research papers in which he tries to show the conflicting ideas in addition to separation of those that agree with field observation, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy from those that are not agree objectively. In the review new data are provided which aimed to prevent use of the incorrect facts about the formation in the future. The review will be achived as separate papers of each formation
The critical review will include the following formation:
Bekhme Formation, Kometan Formation, Gercus Formation, Kometan Formation, Qulqula Group, Red Bed Series, Oligocene succession, Gulneri Formation,Kolosh Formation, Pila Spi Formation, Avanah Formation, Lower Fars Formation, Khabour Quartzite Formation,m Avroman Formatiobn, Sinjar Formation ana others
Therefore, the authors, who have papers about the above formations, can give their documents to the professor via the below links:
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